75g 植物油 (vegetable oil)
90g 低筋麵粉 (cake flour)
60g 牛奶 (milk)
6 蛋黃 (egg yolk)

6 蛋白 (egg white)
75g 砂糖(caster sugar)
1g 鹽 (salt)


1. 油微波2分鐘 (heat oil in microwave for 2 min)

2. 混合植物油和麵粉至無顆粒 (mix vegetables oil and flour to no crumb)

3. 加入牛奶及蛋黃攪拌至順滑 (add in milk and yolk mix to smooth batter)

4. 蛋白加入鹽  ( add salt into egg white)

5. 慢慢加入砂糖打發蛋白至濕性發泡 (slowly add in sugar and beat egg white to stiff peak)

6. 加入 1/3  B 材料進 A 材料攪拌均勻 (add 1/3 of  B ingredients to A and mix well)

7. 最後小心拌入 A + B (lastly carefully combine A + B)

8. 水浴法150c,烤60分鐘(steam bake in 150c for 60mins)

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