Long Peanuts
Red Chili
Bwg Red-mayang
Lemongrass-1 (slice of bevel)
Lime Leaves-4/5 pcs
Black Pepper Powder-a bit
Fish-Renjis sauce according to the likes 😬
Turmeric Powder
Mushroom Seasoning- optional
Blend Material:
4-5 btg red chili
4-5 btg green chili
1 pumpkins brought red
3 reviews of white bwg
A little water
How to:
1) Hot oil, stir fry the ingredients just now. Stir fry until the oil breaks.
2) Enter the squid that has been washed clean. Let the squid be cooked.
3) Put in black pepper, throw in turmeric powder, mushroom seasoning (optional), fish sauce, sugar, salt or etc.
4) Lastly, insert chili, lemongrass, lime leaves, long beans.
5) Mix until cooking. Set it up.
* I love the smell of cilantro, so whatever cooking I really spread cilantro hihi 😬
* If you want the squid to remain fat and not shrink, boil first for 5 minutes with 3-4 pieces of sour pieces.



食材: 三個雞腿、多多的辣椒、大蒜、生薑、蔥
做法: 1. 雞腿肉切丁,加2勺生抽➕1勺料酒➕半勺鹽➕半勺白胡椒粉➕1顆雞蛋➕適量澱粉➕半勺生抽➕1勺香油抓勻醃製半小時
2.油鍋七成熱下, 肉迅速滑散至變色撈出
4. 起鍋前加半勺糖、半勺鹽、1勺老酒, 嗆香就可以啦